Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Hidupkan balik

Ayuh kita hidupkan balik blog ni. Wait for my next article. huhuhu

Monday, May 23, 2016

Let me story you something

Let me story you something..

Its take me around 1 year and half to move on from my ex-girlfriend. Because she was also curang with me at her new place. She found someone yang dia suka. N just leave me mcm tu.. Ignore terus.

N its take me from all that time to be okay chill balik. After all my dreams n hope been crush with one man.

And now suddenly you come walk into my life. For 2 tahun lebih kita kenal. You just nak walk out mcm tu je dari hidup i ?

N now you pun pindah tempat baru. U pun jumpa someone jugak ?  Apa maksud dont flirt with others semua tu ? Apa maksud sayang you ? Cinta you ? Rindu you ? You think i ni apa ?

To know you kluar with other guy.. Adalah bende paling sakit i rasa sekarang.. N banyak kali... N rasa dia mcam kene tikam. Sebb i used to trust you. You're not that kind of girl. Tpi entah.. Just be happy.. Please stay happy.. I sayang you.. I let you go..

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Morning from the deepest soul

This blog should not be where i put all my heartbroken words into it. This blog should be happy blog where i share all the thing i do. All the memories.

All the best thing we do. But for now this is too hard for me not to saying. And its maybe good because no one will ever read here. I simply don't understand how love works. We feel so happy on first 2 years. And now. Look where we are. I don't even know. N you don't even who am i to you.

The saddest part is you want me to leave you. And say " jangan ganggu i dah" how could you.. 😢. Person that i know n love for long time never said something like that even her tired or what to me. Sumpah i terasa. And from that moment i know you bukan that person anymore. N you already lost interest on me. You dont love me anymore.

Those words are meaningless without the action. You always busy. Even for me. Dulu pun u busy je. Event tu event ni. Tapi this time. Lain.. Different.. Berbeza yang amat.. Sakit tau.. I dah lost count how many time my heart be beaten and broken to the pieces.

Okay lah i try to do my best. I give you ten day. If dalam 10 tu you still do what i tak suka. Then i paham. U tak suka kan i dah. Then i will go. For you.. I already know how much this will hurt me. Or should i say both of us? I know somehow u will be missing me because of 2 years effect.

Thanks for everything. N sorry.. I just love you too much.. I trust you too much.. And by this time you read. I miss you.. I will keep thinking of you.. Take care my princess. If you still want us. Just tell me everything.. We can try.

Thanks for everything

Thank you for fighting for  us
I really want you to be alright with all my heart
You looks very pretty right now

I really missed you
No matter what i did
I couldn't stop thinking about you

I tried tiring myself out
I tried very hard to forget
I did everything i could
But i still missed you a lot

If you'll end up unhappy because of me
Just live happily by yourself.

Some words for all of us.
If its does not work. Make it work.
Dont give up what you have started. 
This make me sad every single time thinking of you. 

P/s: i really hope we stay. 😔

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Some word from heartbroken person

Its started when you mention u are afraid.

U afraid of which one of us will go?  U or me?
Hmm. Perkara baik takkan tahan lama kan? But still i rasa tu tak betul..
Takpe lah.. Atleast kita pernah ade memories between us.
Kita pernah ade good time with each other..
Knowing you.. Loving each other.. We been there already..
Hmmm or at least. I had a good time..

Thank you sayang..  Tpi skrang everything diff..
U tak nak have any relationship. Even we already have one..
Macam semua memories tu hilang mcm tu je..
I hope u akan sentiasa ingat i. Please keep toby. Maybe when you tgk tu. U akan ingat kat i..
N nama i. Jaga tau.. Dont ever throw it away.. I jaga tu dari form3
I put in my wallet since then.. Because i know u are the one. I give u..

I hope we will come across in our ways.
Maybe u still have no one. I same to me.
N maybe kita boleh kenal balik time tu.. Kan ?
But this times around i will never leave u.

Seriously. My life is yours.
U are enough for me.. Selama kita kenal..
I tak pernah terfikir nak berkenalan dengan org lain.
Mmg i join banyak event. N i mengaku ade je junior contact i.
Tpi i tak layan pun. Semua pasal kerja..

Klu u ingat. Hari tu u ade try test i..
Mcm tu laa i layan yg lain..
My ego tinggi gila dgn org lain..
But when i dengan u.. I rasa macam dah takde.. Even i sanggup begging u supaya jangan tinggal kan i.. Tpi takkan lah i nk tgk u mcm tu..

Thats how deep my love to u..
Tpi its okay..
Hati org takleh paksa..  N orang ckp cinta boleh dipupuk..

from heartbroken person.

P/s: copy paste je ni ;)